Monday, October 22, 2018

Arch 550 photography Pt. 2

Now we have part 2 of last weeks post from my grad school photography class

I don't remember exactly what the assignment was that produced this photo but it had something to do with looking at the world through different eyes.  To create this I laid several scissors on an overhead projector and projected their silhouettes onto a metal cabinet where I worked.

This image, and the next two, were from a similar assignment where I had to use perspective and scale to subvert how we see the world.  This image looks a bit like a planet but is actually a macro image of a dish-washing sponge.
Another planet looking thing but is a macro image of bass wood.

This was a bit of a cheat (though I submitted the original too) where I photographed my carpet at a shallow angle with the sun coming through blue curtains.  I then added a ship and reflection in PhotoShop.

Our last major assignment was to photograph 100 strangers (100 pictures, not 100 people) and this photo was taken at breakfast in our hotel of a man and woman.

This gentleman (same assignment) was a construction worker doing something to the front of this building.  We weren't required to do these in black and white but we were encouraged to look at them under different treatments and I liked these in b&w.

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