Monday, February 29, 2016

At long last, a return

Hello all, it has been a long time since I last posted here but in the interim I have graduated with my masters in architecture, moved to a new city, started a full time job, and bought a house.  Probably not very good excuses, but boy what a list of reasons.  In looking back at the last few posts I made I noticed that I left off early in the process of painting the Imperial Assault minis.  I have since finished all of the base figures and bought and painted the Twin Shadows expansion.  I’ll drop a teaser photo here and go into more detail later.

I have finished several long running model projects, more to follow on that, and even picked up a new hobby: board gaming.  Now, I’ve always been a board gamer but my experience has been limited to Risk, Stratego and Catan (plus all the expansions).  I have now discovered the joy of more complex games such as Francis Drake, Mombasa, through the Ages, and 7 Wonders (to name some of my favorites).  This new hobby not only increases my exposure to other humans but also brings many new opportunities for little projects, such as component upgrades.  I look forward to jumping back into the blog again.  I will try to keep it up to date on Mondays mostly until I get back in the swing of things For now I’ll leave you with a dice tower made out of Legos, because everything is better with Legos!